
Showing posts from March, 2019

Lessons from Russia

During the early 90's there was great spiritual interest in Russia, and there were many opportunities. In the region of Moscow where I lived, I was given permission to lead lectures every evening in the local school building. Each night I would go through a chapter of Romans. During one of the first meetings, a young priest stood up and interrupted me. “Why did you come to Russia?” he demanded. “Do you think there is no Christianity in Russia?” Some others in the audience tried to quiet him and defended me. I replied, “Believers in America have been praying many years for the church in Russia. Now that the doors are open, everyone is eager to come and help. Sometimes we haven’t been wise in understanding how to do that. I don’t want to do anything to harm the church. I just want to help.” He then let me continue. Afterwards I invited him to my nearby apartment. Once inside my home, I suggested we read a chapter from the Gospels and discuss it. I placed an icon on my booksh...